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Knitting in the city - Tome 4.5: Scenes from the city de Penny Reid

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Knitting in the city - Tome 4.5: Scenes from the city de Penny Reid Empty Knitting in the city - Tome 4.5: Scenes from the city de Penny Reid

Message  Zazazoo Lun 24 Nov 2014 - 19:37

Knitting in the city
Tome 4.5: Scenes from the city
de Penny Reid

Knitting in the city - Tome 4.5: Scenes from the city de Penny Reid 23340677

Résumé :
This book cannot be read as a standalone. It is a collection of short scenes following the ladies from the Knitting in the City series.
Neanderthal Seeks Honeymoon- Janie and Quinn
Friends Definitely With Benefits- Elizabeth and Nico
Hacking the Hacker- Sandra and Alex
Beauty and the Beard - Ashley and Drew
Ninja at First Sight - Fiona and Greg

Sortie le 24 novembre 2014
Chez Caped Publishing

Lady Administratrice
Lady Administratrice

Messages : 18834
Date d'inscription : 23/04/2012
Age : 40
Humeur : Hopeless romantic with a dirty mind ♥

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