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Random & Rare (Lock & Key #2) de Cat Porter .

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Random & Rare  (Lock & Key #2) de Cat Porter . Empty Random & Rare (Lock & Key #2) de Cat Porter .

Message  soso Mar 31 Mar 2015 - 15:41

Random & Rare  (Lock & Key #2)
de Cat Porter .

Random & Rare  (Lock & Key #2) de Cat Porter . 23922971

Résumé :
I am that gash in her soul.
Once I loved Grace, really loved her.
And she loved me, and it was so fucking beautiful.
That pendulum swings to and fro.
We’re here,
and then we’re—
How can that rare beautiful be rendered irrelevant, intangible when I still feel so damn much?
Does all that energy, that glory, that significance simply dissolve?
Turn to smoke?
To nothing?
It can’t. It just can’t.
Are the moments that shape us absolutely random?
Is time not fluid?
I made promises to them, to her.
Especially to her.
Promises I still burn to keep.  

Sortie VO le 10 mars 2015
Reine de la saison
Reine de la saison

Messages : 746
Date d'inscription : 26/04/2012
Age : 44

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