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Knights Rebels - Tome 4 : Infatuation de River Savage

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Knights Rebels - Tome 4 : Infatuation de River Savage Empty Knights Rebels - Tome 4 : Infatuation de River Savage

Message  Zazazoo Mar 20 Oct 2015 - 18:59

Knights Rebels
Tome 4 : Infatuation
de River Savage

Knights Rebels - Tome 4 : Infatuation de River Savage 25922912

Résumé :
Beau McIntyre is driven by a past smothered in blood and covered in bruises. Though tragic, it's help shape his future and define the man he's become.

Day in and day out, he's reminded of his failures in the faces of the women he saves. But what happens when one girl threatens to blow all of that apart? Will Beau lose his grip on the controlled lifestyle he abides by?

Mackenzie Moore is running from a past she needs to forget. A past that has molded her into a woman living in fear. One fateful night, her carefully constructed world is pulled down around her, forcing her to make a decision she's not sure she can live with.

Turning to the Knights Rebels MC for help is the last thing she wants, but everything she needs.

Can Beau save her once again, or is what she running to far worse than what she’s running from ?

Sortie numérique le 20 octobre 2015
Sur les plateformes habituelles d'achat

Arrow Tome 1 : Incandescent
Arrow Tome 2 : Affliction
Arrow Tome 2.5 : Reclaimed
Arrow Tome 2.9 : Paradox
Arrow Tome 3 : Desertion

Lady Administratrice
Lady Administratrice

Messages : 18841
Date d'inscription : 23/04/2012
Age : 40
Humeur : Hopeless romantic with a dirty mind ♥

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Knights Rebels - Tome 4 : Infatuation de River Savage Empty Re: Knights Rebels - Tome 4 : Infatuation de River Savage

Message  Jess Mar 20 Oct 2015 - 19:02

La couverture... !!!!  Knights Rebels - Tome 4 : Infatuation de River Savage 38

Knights Rebels - Tome 4 : Infatuation de River Savage Packbd12
~ Mon Carnet Lecture ¤ Mon Défi Lecture 2o2o ¤ "I didn’t fall in love with you… I flew." ~

Anciennement "Bookandcie"
Impératrice des passions
Impératrice des passions

Messages : 2346
Date d'inscription : 03/11/2014
Age : 34
Localisation : Dans les pages

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Knights Rebels - Tome 4 : Infatuation de River Savage Empty Re: Knights Rebels - Tome 4 : Infatuation de River Savage

Message  Zazazoo Mar 20 Oct 2015 - 19:05

Pfff comme une quiche je me suis rendue compte en faisant la fiche que j'avais complètement oublié de lire le tome 3 ... Remarquez c'est plutôt une bonne nouvelle, ça me fait 2 tomes en perspective ! ^^

Lady Administratrice
Lady Administratrice

Messages : 18841
Date d'inscription : 23/04/2012
Age : 40
Humeur : Hopeless romantic with a dirty mind ♥

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