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Worth the fight - Tome 5 : Fighting dirty de Sidney Halston

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Worth the fight - Tome 5 : Fighting dirty de Sidney Halston Empty Worth the fight - Tome 5 : Fighting dirty de Sidney Halston

Message  Zazazoo Mer 1 Juil 2015 - 22:04

Worth the fight
Tome 5 : Fighting dirty
de Sidney Halston

Worth the fight - Tome 5 : Fighting dirty de Sidney Halston 25058284

Résumé :
With his preppy clothes and horn-rimmed glasses, Enzo Silva is the last dude anyone expects to find in a mixed martial arts gym. A wealthy Brazilian banker who never had to fight for anything, Enzo’s stuck in the amateur circuit—but he burns to make the pros. Maybe that explains the heat he feels whenever he’s around Jamie Lynn Calhoun. The pint-size, magenta-haired bartender with the Texas drawl is everything he’s not . . . and everything he craves.

Tough as nails and independent to a fault, Jamie Lynn—JL to her friends—works hard to pay her bills and keep life simple. Enzo is doing his best to complicate that. Even though she likes to bust his balls, he’s got some kind of a nerdy-hot vibe that makes JL wonder if she might finally be able to let her guard down. It might do the boy some good to spend some time in her world, where blood, sweat, and victory are as sweet as the first taste of real love.
Sortie le 24 novembre 2015
Chez Loveswept

Arrow Tome 1 : Against the cage
Arrow Tome 2 : Full contact
Arrow Tome 3 : Below the belt
Arrow Tome 4 : Laid out
Mon avis :
Je ne pourrai poster mon avis qu'à compter de la sortie du livre, mais je peux d'ores et déjà mettre ici ma note : 2.5/5.
Rdv en novembre pr un avis complet ! cheesygrin

Lady Administratrice
Lady Administratrice

Messages : 18913
Date d'inscription : 23/04/2012
Age : 40
Humeur : Hopeless romantic with a dirty mind ♥

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