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Worth the fight - Tome 3 : Below the belt de Sidney Halston

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Worth the fight - Tome 3 : Below the belt de Sidney Halston Empty Worth the fight - Tome 3 : Below the belt de Sidney Halston

Message  Zazazoo Mer 1 Juil 2015 - 21:39

Worth the fight
Tome 3 : Below the belt
de Sidney Halston

Worth the fight - Tome 3 : Below the belt de Sidney Halston 22926842

Résumé :
Once one of the most sought-after names on the mixed martial arts circuit, Antonio “Scarface” Marino watched his career go down for the count as he chased skirts and made tabloid headlines. Now he’s finally making a comeback, and it’s all thanks to Francesca Silva, a Brazilian bombshell as tough as any of her fighters. But who’s the real Francesca: the trash-talking trainer who rides him hard, or the vulnerable woman who blushes at his touch?

Francesca went to the mat to sign Tony because she believes he still has the potential to bring big success to her gym—if she can keep his head in the cage and out of her personal life. After a short-lived marriage soured her on love, a one-night stand is all she can handle. Now Tony’s kisses are stirring up complicated feelings—especially when he agrees to face her ex in the ring. Francesca’s used to freezing guys out. But Tony’s tempting her to give in to the heat.
Sortie le 10 février 2015
Chez Loveswept

Arrow Tome 1 : Against the cage
Arrow Tome 2 : Full contact
Arrow Tome 4 : Laid out
Arrow Tome 5 : Fighting dirty

Lady Administratrice
Lady Administratrice

Messages : 18914
Date d'inscription : 23/04/2012
Age : 40
Humeur : Hopeless romantic with a dirty mind ♥

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