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Worth the fight - Tome 2 : Full contact de Sidney Halston

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Worth the fight - Tome 2 : Full contact de Sidney Halston Empty Worth the fight - Tome 2 : Full contact de Sidney Halston

Message  Zazazoo Mer 1 Juil 2015 - 21:35

Worth the fight
Tome 2 : Full contact
de Sidney Halston

Worth the fight - Tome 2 : Full contact de Sidney Halston 22469198

Résumé :
How could she have been so stupid? When Jessica Cross decides to give her violently jealous boyfriend—the otherwise influential and charming Dennis Stavros—a second chance, she very nearly becomes a statistic. After weeks of healing from a broken rib and collapsed lung, and with Dennis behind bars, Jessica finally feels ready to come out of hiding. But will she ever be able to take a chance on love again with someone new?

Mixed martial arts fighter Slade Martin knows he has a bad reputation. Hell, he's probably earned it. So it won’t be easy to convince beautiful, vulnerable Jessica that she can trust him—that from the moment she walked into his life, she’s been the only one he’s wanted. Powerful and confident, Slade knows he can honor his vow to protect Jessica body and soul. Winning her heart will be another matter . . . but a woman like Jessica is worth the fight.
Sortie le 28 octobre 2014
Chez Loveswept

Arrow Tome 1 : Against the cage
Arrow Tome 3 : Below the belt
Arrow Tome 4 : Laid out
Arrow Tome 5 : Fighting Dirty

Lady Administratrice
Lady Administratrice

Messages : 18914
Date d'inscription : 23/04/2012
Age : 40
Humeur : Hopeless romantic with a dirty mind ♥

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