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The Aces - Tome 3 : Craving Absolution de Nicole Jacquelyn

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The Aces - Tome 3 : Craving Absolution de Nicole Jacquelyn Empty The Aces - Tome 3 : Craving Absolution de Nicole Jacquelyn

Message  Zazazoo Dim 12 Avr 2015 - 21:25

The Aces
Tome 3 : Craving Absolution
de Nicole Jacquelyn

The Aces - Tome 3 : Craving Absolution de Nicole Jacquelyn 22585874

Résumé :

Farrah Miller and Cody “Casper” Butler have a longstanding relationship that both refuse to discuss.

It isn’t romantic.

It may not even be classified as a friendship.

Casper’s been saving Farrah from herself for longer than he’d care to admit, watching silently as she drowned herself in alcohol. Then, when she finally got her act together, he left. He told himself he was giving her time to sort herself out. He tried to give her space.

But getting shot in the chest can change a man’s perspective, and Casper’s done waiting.

When he shows up on her doorstep one night, everything changes.

He’s the man who’s seen her at her very worst.

She’s his weakness.

He runs when things get hard.

She never lets anyone see below the surface and is terrified of being abandoned.

He knows it’s a long shot, that there’s a good chance she’ll never drop her guard for him—but he has to try. Because a life with Farrah is exactly what he wants—even if he has to fight her for it.
Sortie le 19 juillet 2014
Chez CreateSpace

Arrow Tome 1 : Craving Constellations
Arrow Tome 2 : Craving redemption
Arrow Tome 4 : Craving Resurrection

Lady Administratrice
Lady Administratrice

Messages : 18913
Date d'inscription : 23/04/2012
Age : 40
Humeur : Hopeless romantic with a dirty mind ♥

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