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Cranberry Inn - Tome 3 : Cement heart de Beth Ehemann

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Cranberry Inn - Tome 3 : Cement heart de Beth Ehemann Empty Cranberry Inn - Tome 3 : Cement heart de Beth Ehemann

Message  Zazazoo Dim 15 Mar 2015 - 13:46

Cranberry Inn
Tome 3 : Cement heart
de Beth Ehemann

Cranberry Inn - Tome 3 : Cement heart de Beth Ehemann 22676848

Résumé :
Lawrence Finkle, known simply to his die-hard Minnesota Wild fans as Viper, isn’t used to hearing the word no. He lives his whole life just a little on the reckless side. After all, life is just one big game, right?


When what was supposed to be an innocent bet goes horribly wrong, he’s left to deal with the aftermath—and the guilt. In an effort to make things right the best way he can, he ends up falling for the one person on the planet he never should have.

The old saying goes that two wrongs don’t make a right . . . or do they?

Sortie le 15 mars 2015
Chez Amazon

Lady Administratrice
Lady Administratrice

Messages : 18914
Date d'inscription : 23/04/2012
Age : 40
Humeur : Hopeless romantic with a dirty mind ♥

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