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Knights Rebels MC - Tome 3 : Desertion de River Savage

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Knights Rebels MC - Tome 3 : Desertion de River Savage Empty Knights Rebels MC - Tome 3 : Desertion de River Savage

Message  Zazazoo Dim 8 Mar 2015 - 18:55

Knights Rebels MC
Tome 3 : Desertion
de River Savage

Knights Rebels MC - Tome 3 : Desertion de River Savage 23663677

Résumé :

Three things Jesse Carter has lost. A former Marine, Jesse used to stand proud of his achievements and live by the code. But when circumstance made him question everything he believed in, those most basic values didn’t feel so important after all.

Knights Rebels.

Three things Jesse Carter has found. Reborn into a brotherhood not so different from the one he left behind, Jesse finds it all too easy to block out his past and claim the role as the Rebels' fun loving player.

Until he meets Bell.

Shy, awkward, and with troubles of her own, Bell Johnson's no stranger to hiding her pain. When Jesse forces himself into her life, she’s at risk of her defences crumbling.

Does Bell have the strength to survive Jesse and his demons or is she fated to become another casualty in the self-destruction of Jesse Carter?
Sortie le 14 juillet 2015
Chez Amazon, Kobo, B&N et Ibooks

Arrow Tome 1 : Incandescent
Arrow Tome 2 : Affliction
Arrow Tome 2.5 : Reclaimed
Arrow Tome 2.9 : Paradox
Arrow Tome 4 : Infatuation

Lady Administratrice
Lady Administratrice

Messages : 18899
Date d'inscription : 23/04/2012
Age : 40
Humeur : Hopeless romantic with a dirty mind ♥

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