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Underestimated (Underestimated #1) de Jettie Woodruff

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Underestimated (Underestimated #1) de Jettie Woodruff Empty Underestimated (Underestimated #1) de Jettie Woodruff

Message  soso Lun 24 Nov 2014 - 9:28

Underestimated (Underestimated #1) 
de Jettie Woodruff

Underestimated (Underestimated #1) de Jettie Woodruff 17913288

Résumé  : Morgan starts her life in a bad situation, she doesn't really know what she wants out of life. She's never had anyone to look up to or help guide her in the right direction. She had it rough and never dreamed that it could get worse. However, she finds that it can and it does.

She learns what real hell is when she meets the husband that she doesn't want to marry but isn't given a choice. 

Can she escape? She can and does, only to wake up and find herself right back at square one.

Date sortie VO : 26 juin 2013
Reine de la saison
Reine de la saison

Messages : 746
Date d'inscription : 26/04/2012
Age : 44

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