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Coda books - Tome 6 : Fear, hope and bread pudding de Marie Sexton

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Coda books - Tome 6 : Fear, hope and bread pudding de Marie Sexton Empty Coda books - Tome 6 : Fear, hope and bread pudding de Marie Sexton

Message  Zazazoo Ven 14 Nov 2014 - 21:19

Coda books
Tome 6 : Fear, hope and bread pudding
de Marie Sexton

Coda books - Tome 6 : Fear, hope and bread pudding de Marie Sexton 17915534

Résumé :
Families should grow, not shrink. It’s been on Jon Kechter’s mind since before he tied the knot with his millionaire lover, Cole Fenton. Now hoping to adopt, Jon and Cole search for a mother-to-be willing to let them love her baby, but the interminable wait is wearing on them both.

Jon is close to his father, George, but until Cole, he didn’t have anyone else. Now George is pushing Cole to reconcile with his estranged mother. When the three of them spend Christmas with her in Munich, the results are disastrous. Jon and Cole resolve to stay positive, but no hope exists without a tinge of fear. Jon and Cole can’t help but wonder if their dream of being parents just wasn’t meant to be.

Sortie VO le 5 juin 2013
Chez Dreamspinner Press

Lady Administratrice
Lady Administratrice

Messages : 18912
Date d'inscription : 23/04/2012
Age : 40
Humeur : Hopeless romantic with a dirty mind ♥

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